Blog Category: Residential Electrician
Don’t be shocked! The hidden electrical hazards in your home
13 January 2025
Remember when a home's electrical demands meant a TV, a kettle, and maybe an electric blanket in winter? These days, the average Kiwi household is running multiple computers, gaming systems, smart devices, security cameras, phone chargers in every room, and maybe even an electric vehicle charger in the garage.
Christmas ruined – Not with No Shock in your Corner
4 December 2024
Picture 25-degree heat, twenty hungry relatives sprawled across the deck, the paddling pool full of kids, and you’re in the kitchen juggling five salads, a half-melted pavlova, and a semi-cooked turkey. Then it happens – the oven dies. Not just a quick trip of the switch but a complete electrical meltdown that takes out all the house power!
Say goodbye to winter – get ready for that heat wave
9 September 2024
One of our No Shock technicians recently shared some eye-opening before-and-after photos of a heat pump service. The difference was striking, with the internal components transformed from a grimy, mould-covered mess to a clean, efficient system. It's a reminder of what might be lurking inside your own unit after a long winter...
Illuminate your life: Why smart lighting should top your home improvement list
7 August 2024
How often have you found yourself trying to get to the bathroom at night without turning on lights and waking others, stumbled through the darkness when taking out the rubbish bins, or felt apprehensive when coming home to a dark house, swearing somebody moved in the bushes?
From shed to ultimate retreat: Reimagining the modern man cave
5 June 2024
The days of the classic man cave are numbered—whether it’s an old shed with a couple of armchairs and a beer fridge or a garage where a workbench jostles for space with a car, the family bikes, and the lawnmower—it’s time to think about a change.
Kitchens – renovating with the latest
13 May 2024
Contemporary kitchens have evolved from just a place for cooking to becoming the heart of the home. They serve as a multifunctional space where family and friends can come together to eat, children can do their homework and watch TV, and guests can be entertained. A well-designed kitchen with modern amenities is also a significant selling point for potential buyers.
Get in touch with our registered electricians
When you need a top-notch electrical service you can rely on or want a competitive quote, make sure to contact us. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible and get you sorted.

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